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Shutdown the servers before the Uninterruptible Power Supply is completely drained.

Use case

A Ups is great to avoid hard shutdowns of servers with short power cuts. But what if the power is interrupted for a longer time than the battery can provide the servers? For such cases there is software that shuts down the servers at a certain percentage of battery drainage.


Apcupsd is software specifically for Apc Ups-es. The hardware link between the Ups and a server is (often) a Usb cable. Apc Ups-es come with an odd cable, with on one end a Usb connector and on the other end something that looks like a Utp connector. One server can be connected with the Ups. Other servers must be shutdown from that connected server.


Apcupsd is in the non standard Epel repository.

yum install apcupsd

Connect the usb cable to the Ups and start the service and make it auto start at boot.

Run apcaccess to check if the Ups is found. It will display several parameters of the Ups.


The configuration files are in the directory
The most interesting variable in apcupsd.conf is
Here it is set to initiate shutdown at 50% battery level. Be sure there is enough battery for the time the server needs to shutdown.

Basically apcupsd will now shutdown this server when there is a power cut. If there are other servers that must be shutdown too, you can make use of the internal NIS server that communicates Ups events to other servers where apcupsd is installed too. More information about that is in the manual of apcupsd.



Nut is a generic software, suitable for more Ups brands than Apc.